From his findings responsible government came to Canada in stages until the Country’s formation in 1867

From his findings responsible government came to Canada in stages until the Country’s formation in 1867

Now in Ontario, we have lost that freedom so dearly won, thanks to David Onley. And shortly we will find out who will rule Ottawa, the Americans or the Chinese? Neither of these nightmares needs to come true. It is her representative, David Onley who failed in his duty to protect the people . In Ottawa Herr Harper must be driven from office to bring an end to this Republican inspired experiment to bring about regime change. Just look at the Ruined States of America. Then become an educated voter.

Harper’s Fascist Party is fueled with money from the US oil cartel. Such monopolies are illegal in Canada. I would suggest the the RCMP and Rev. Canada investigate the US cartel, this after the new NDP Government takes over. We should break up the US oil cartel and fine them heavily. Particularly for making illegal campaign donations to Herr Harper.


MAD * MAD * CONMAN BLACK – Conrad is beginning to wear a little. His babblings are not much different that what was heard from the insane outside the bars of Bedlam England beginning in 1403. I have lived with Conrad since he stole exam papers from the office of Upper Canada College. Continue reading “From his findings responsible government came to Canada in stages until the Country’s formation in 1867”