He says “No, it tastes like eel

He says “No, it tastes like eel

8:22 pm: I try the roll. The avacado falls out of my mouth. He laughs. I feel something on my face. Yep, that’s soy sauce. I ask him if I still have soy sauce on my face. I wipe my face, feeling something wet.

9:20 pm: I stand to go to the bathroom. Did i mention there are white tablecloths at this restaurant? There are. I get up, taking the table cloth and my water with me. Water glass down. The table is soaked. He laughs. I run away.

9:24 pm: I come back, the table cloth/my chair is too wet to sit down. He makes a joke bout me making a scene. I leave without sitting again.

Honestly this is the only really entertaining part of the date. I think I was more worried about having a nervous reaction to shellfish than what would happen on the actual date part of the date. Continue reading “He says “No, it tastes like eel”