The promise envisages the establishment of a reciprocal relationship (Lk 1:73-74) between God and those descendents

The promise envisages the establishment of a reciprocal relationship (Lk 1:73-74) between God and those descendents

The Synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles make little mention of the covenant. In the infancy gospels, the canticle of Zechariah (Lk 1:72) proclaims the fulfilment of the covenant-promise given by God to escort backpage Arlington TX Abraham for his descendants.

At the Last Supper, Jesus intervened decisively in making his blood “the blood of the covenant” (Mt ; Mk ), the foundation of the “new covenant” (Lk ; 1 Co ). The expression “blood of the covenant” recalls the ratification of the Sinai covenant by Moses (Ex 24:8), suggesting continuity with that covenant. But the words of Jesus also reveal a radical newness, for, whereas the Sinai covenant included a ritual of sprinkling with the blood of sacrificed animals, Christ’s covenant is founded on the blood of a human being who transforms his death as a condemned man into a generous gift, and thereby makes this rupture into a covenant event. Continue reading “The promise envisages the establishment of a reciprocal relationship (Lk 1:73-74) between God and those descendents”