But he would only take them if I was ready

But he would only take them if I was ready

It seems like we’re heading that way because when I told him this he got relieved and said that he had brought it up with his psychologist that he had started to think about the pills. If we find out it doesn’t work then we find out, but my biggest fear would be to abandon him in the process, but I think that if we make that step then he will have friends to support him. No not family, they’re quite conservative sadly. Though we haven’t told them so maybe his parents would understand as well. I think the most frustrating part was that I had to find out so late, it would have been nice to know that he wasn’t a boy before I made him a boy in my mind.

As I read more and more about Transgender I realized that Transgender Is not about who you prefer to sleep with BUT who your genetic self identifies to

I can’t imagine what you’re going through struggling with this while you’re married, cause you must have been together for some time now. Did you find out recently or have you known for a long time? I would love to hear your story and help you if I can since you said it was kind of similar to mine.

At a follow this year his PSA values show his cancer is growing again

Hi Amanda- Your post seems to sum up a lot of my own emotions- especially when you mention how you felt your heart was grasping what your mind knew all along- that is how I’ve been trying to think since my boyfriend told me he is transgender. I am trying to see him as he is, rather than with a specific gender. My installment loans Missouri partner is one of the most caring people I know, so it is hard to picture myself without them. Continue reading “But he would only take them if I was ready”