Fecundity investigation carried out in regards to cover dimensions shown positive correlations (Fig

Fecundity investigation carried out in regards to cover dimensions shown positive correlations (Fig

6). Fecundity was significantly higher |$(P = 0.001) \ $| in ovigerous females occupying heavier shells |$( <\rm>\gt 3.0 \ <\rm>)$|? . Significant differences |$(P \lt 0.05)$| were registered in fecundity of ovigerous females of different sizes. The number of eggs produced by ovigerous females measuring more than 3.1-mm SL was higher |$(P = 0.001)$| than the fecundity of those females measuring 1.8- to 3.0-mm SL. In relation to the shell species, the fecundity of the ovigerous females in L. nassa and P. auritula shells (the larger ones) was not significantly different, nor was that of the ovigerous females occupying C. atratum and M. nodulosa shells. However, the number of eggs produced by the ovigerous females inhabiting P. Continue reading “Fecundity investigation carried out in regards to cover dimensions shown positive correlations (Fig”