Discover no tall relationship from the almost every other day affairs

Discover no tall relationship from the almost every other day affairs

Correlation and you can regression data

We performed correlation analysis in each eurodate treatment modality group comparing the ISVs with the biodosimetric values measured at different time points. After Benjamini–Hochberg correction of multiple testing we found that 9 months after LDR therapy the chromosome aberration values (dicentrics + rings, chromatid deletions, total aberration and aberrant cell values) correlated positively and significantly with the largest ISVs, namely V1%, V1Gy. The correlations were weak, between 0.37 and 0.45 (Table 2). In HDR therapy, 3 months after radiotherapy dicentric plus rings correlated positively and weakly with most ISVs (Table 3). Aberrant cell number correlated with V150% at this time point as well (Spearman correlation coefficient 0.41). We found no correlations in any other time points of the follow-up. In the EBRT treatment group, the ISVs showed significant positive correlations with various chromosome aberrations directly after the radiotherapy, at the 3rd, 6th and at the 12th month. The aberrations which correlated with the most ISVs are shown in Table 4. Furthermore, the Spearman correlation coefficient for V10Gy are 0.52 and 0.51 for dicentrics + rings and aberrant cells at 3 months, respectively. The frequency of chromatid breaks and aberrant cells correlated with V10Gy (Spearman correlation coefficient 0.50 and 0.56) and aberrant cell number with V10% (0.49) at 6 months. Total aberrations (0.48) and aberrant cell number (0.43) showed correlation with V10Gy at 12 months.

Univariate regression analysis was performed to explain the variance of chromosome aberrations by variables of ISVs. Multiple regression cannot be used, because of the high collinearity of the variables. We sumini–Hochberg correction in Tables 4 and 5. In case of LDR therapy, we found, that none of the ISVs were significant predictors of chromosome aberrations (p > 0.2 R 2 < 6.4% at the ninth month after therapy). However, at the third month after HDR the predictive value (R 2 ) varied between 26.0 and 31.7, the best predictor being V100% (p = 0.004, R 2 = 31.7%) (Table 5). Continue reading “Discover no tall relationship from the almost every other day affairs”