Instant sexual attraction and lasting love do not necessarily go hand-in-hand

Instant sexual attraction and lasting love do not necessarily go hand-in-hand

Fact: This is an important myth to dispel, especially if you have a history of making inappropriate choices. Emotions can change and deepen over time, and friends sometimes become lovers-if you give those relationships a chance to develop.

Myth: Women have different emotions than men.

Fact: Women and men feel similar things but sometimes express their feelings differently, often according to society’s conventions. But both men and women experience the same core emotions such as sadness, anger, fear, and joy.

Myth: True love is constant or Physical attraction fades over time.

Fact: Love is rarely static, but that doesn’t mean love or physical attraction is doomed to fade over time. As we age, both men and women have fewer sexual hormones, but emotion often influences passion more than hormones, and sexual passion can become stronger over time.

Myth: I’ll be able to change the things I don’t like about someone.
Myth: I didn’t feel close to my parents, so intimacy is always going to be uncomfortable for me.

Fact: It’s never too late to change any pattern of behavior. Over time, and with enough effort, you can change the way you think, feel, and act.

Myth: Disagreements always create problems in a relationship. Continue reading “Instant sexual attraction and lasting love do not necessarily go hand-in-hand”