Emma, on the other hand, is a cynic and finds the notion of emotional love to be illogical

Emma, on the other hand, is a cynic and finds the notion of emotional love to be illogical

Something New

No Strings Attached review. Matt reviews Ivan Reitman’s No Strings Attached starring Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher, Greta Gerwig, and Kevin Kline.

No Strings Attached is the blandest of romantic comedies and only attempts to give itself an edge through a half-assed attempt at raunchy humor and salty language. It sets up situational comedy that would feel stale in a 1980s sitcom and populates these unfunny scenarios with people who feel designed to serve the purpose of a bit rather than actual human beings who stumbled into a comedic situation. The only truly funny thing about No Strings Attached is how proud it is of its reversal of gender roles, which would be a feat worth applauding if the film had come out in the 1950s. Continue reading “Emma, on the other hand, is a cynic and finds the notion of emotional love to be illogical”