B. Reducing Burden on Universities by Clarifying Timing of the Disclosure Statement

B. Reducing Burden on Universities by Clarifying Timing of the Disclosure Statement

To clarify requirements regarding responsibility for audit findings, OMB proposes a revision to 2 CFR Requirements for pass-through entities to clarify that pass-through entities (PTE) are responsible for addressing only a subrecipient’s audit findings that are specifically related to their subaward. For example, a PTE is not required to address all of the subrecipient’s audit findings. In addition, the PTE may rely on the subrecipient’s auditors and cognizant agency’s oversight for routine https://americashpaydayloan.com/title-loans-tn/ audit follow-up and management decisions. These changes reduce the burden for PTEs by allowing a PTE to rely on the cognizant agency to address a subrecipient’s entity-wide issues.

OMB also proposes to clarify the timing of submission of the disclosure statement (DS-2), which is only required for universities that meet certain thresholds as defined in 48 CFR -1(f). This revision reduces burden for universities while maintaining the requirement for universities to implement policies in compliance with 2 CFR. OMB seeks comments on whether the proposed revisions clarify 2 CFR requirements and reduce burden for PTEs and universities.

C. Response to Frequently Asked Questions Related to the Prior Release of 2 CFR

In , OMB developed and posted Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Chief Financial Officers Council website in response to stakeholder requests for clarification on the first publication of 2 CFR ( Due to the volume of questions related to these topics, OMB proposes clarifying the following: The meaning of the words “must” and “may” as they pertain to requirements; the effective date of 2 CFR; applicability and documentation requirements when a non-Federal entity elects to charge the de minimus indirect cost rate of modified total direct costs (MTDC); pass-through entity responsibilities related to indirect cost rates and audits; and applicability of 2 CFR to FAR based contracts. Continue reading “B. Reducing Burden on Universities by Clarifying Timing of the Disclosure Statement”