Okay, so let’s just get something clear, we weren’t chickens that are really picking

Okay, so let’s just get something clear, we weren’t chickens that are really picking

Chicken Pickin’!

but we had been chicken that is picking. (and as their revenge, the birds had been picking – or should we say pecking – us city slickers need to get out on to a farm and get close to nature… Bok bok bok! (that’s chicken-speak for “it’s g d to get out of the city”) at us.) Yep, even.

Where did we meet the crazy chicks? An 80 acre farm out in Westchester (near Tarrytown) at Stone Barns Center. The farm is just about 80 years old and was started by John Rockefeller Jr in the 1930s for the only reason so he started his own dairy farm that he did not like pasteurized milk! Continue reading “Okay, so let’s just get something clear, we weren’t chickens that are really picking”