OH but hold on what is that, another sac I hear you say?

OH but hold on what is that, another sac I hear you say?

Penny the miracle worker believes that this is a normal occurance with twin B and that two babies will be born in December

I’d booked us into the same place that had done my lining scans, one because it’s right near Matt’s work, two we were familiar with them and hookupdate.net/iwantu-review/ three they were a lot cheaper than a hospital.

We arrived separately , me with a full bladder (this is for an outside scan but I’d been so used to internal scans I just stripped and assumed the position and then realised that it was on top of my stomach) which amused Matt and the sonographer no end. There it was, a sac with a embryo, bang on date, 7 weeks and 3 days and a very loud, healthy heartbeat………. Yep twin B was certainly there but measuring a week behind twin A with only a flicker of a heartbeat and a slow one at that. I then had to empty my bladder so that an internal scan could be done (now we were on familiar ground!) so she could see a little clearer. So the upshot is that we need to scan again in two weeks to see if that twin has caught up and is surviving, otherwise it will just be absorbed into the uterus, I believe the terminology is vanishing twin syndrome. Continue reading “OH but hold on what is that, another sac I hear you say?”