Concurrently, i statement differences out of gender and relationships status, and you will standard opinions toward German population

Concurrently, i statement differences out of gender and relationships status, and you will standard opinions toward German population

The analysis getting Decide to try step 1 is approved by the Institutional Review Panel of your Medical Faculty away from Leipzig School (-ff). Footnote 2

Statistical analyses Studies 1

In Sample 1, we started with estimating a CFA based on the responses to the 12 items of the ECR-RD12. We specified two correlated latent factors representing attachment anxiety and avoidance. Cross-loadings and correlations between residuals were fixed to zero. To deal with the ordinal nature of the items, we used the polychoric correlation matrix and robust weighted least squares estimation . To assess model fit, we inspected the comparative fit index (CFI; good fit: > 0.95), the Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI; good fit: > 0.95), the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA; good fit: < 0.06), and the standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR; good fit: < 0.08; ). Internal consistency of the two scales was evaluated using McDonald's Omega for ordinal items . In case of insufficient fit indices, item reduction was based on modification indices of the CFA as well as content-related considerations. Norm values were computed based on the cumulative percentile distribution of scale scores, stratified for age groups and gender. Analyses were conducted using R version 4.0.3 including the package lavaan (0.6–7; ) as well as IBM SPSS 25.

Overall performance Research step 1

Model fit of a two-dimensional CFA based on the 12 items of the ECR-RD12 was poor, ? 2 (53) = 8956.1, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.841, TLI = 0.802, RMSEA = 0.263, SRMR = 0.165. Continue reading “Concurrently, i statement differences out of gender and relationships status, and you will standard opinions toward German population”