12 hard truths about relationships no one wants to believe

12 hard truths about relationships no one wants to believe

  • It’s easy to believe that your relationship is different from everyone else’s. It’s probably not.
  • Relationships take effort to maintain, and you won’t always be happy with your partner.
  • Even if you love each other, if you have fundamentally different values, a breakup may be the best option.

Below, we’ve listed some of the truest but hardest-to-accept insights about modern romance. If you can get past these somewhat unsettling ideas, you’ll be more likely to have a happy and fulfilling partnership.

We’re often attracted to people who will later no strings attatched sex drive us crazy

While researching habits and personality for her book “The Four Tendencies,” Gretchen Rubin noticed a curious phenomenon. People she’d labeled “rebels” often paired up romantically with people she’d labeled “obligers.”

Rebels resist both inner and outer expectations; if you ask a rebel to do something, they’ll likely resist. Obligers meet outer expectations but don’t always meet inner ones; they usually need some form of external accountability.

“If you’re an upholder, you live life according to a schedule. [For example] you never miss your daily run, and you always eat fewer than 30 grams of carbs a day, and you always go to bed by 11. It could be exciting be swept off your feet by somebody who feels very free and not confined.”

But over time, the novelty may wear off and these two different approaches can come into conflict. To be sure, rebels and obligers – and any two types of people – can be happy together. Continue reading “12 hard truths about relationships no one wants to believe”