9 Insane Threesome Confessions That Are Almost Too Wild to Believe

9 Insane Threesome Confessions That Are Almost Too Wild to Believe

He started having sex with me first and then her

1. “It was one guy and two girls. They were a married couple, and I was best friends with them both. We had talked about it happening several times before, but never actually did it. The night it happened we were all drinking with several friends and somehow just wound up in the bedroom. Myself and the other girl were wearing onesies and he undressed us and then started kissing us. I was a little hesitant to initiate things since they were married and I didn’t want to upset her. At one point I went down on her while he had sex with me doggy style, and then she went down on me while he did the same to her. She got on top of him and I sat on his face. It actually flowed pretty well and nothing was weird the next day.” – Lucy, 28

Initially we had sex in a private room, just to get it out of the way

2. “A guy friend of mine had the great idea for us to visit a swinger’s club. He’d been before and I was curious, so I went with it. (It was our first time having sex together). After that, we checked out other couples in private rooms. We found a couple who allowed us to watch. My friend was so turned on and I was really into it so I asked, ‘Can I play?’ The other guy was completely into it. So as his female companion was going down on him I joined in. The ohlala girl was kind of cute and I asked her if she’d be ok if I touched her. She was into it and I went for it! She continued with her guy and I began focusing on her. I fondled her breasts, but they weren’t too big so I lost interest and went lower. At this point it was go big or go home, so I just dove in head first and began licking her vagina. The next thing I know, my friend was banging me from behind. Continue reading “9 Insane Threesome Confessions That Are Almost Too Wild to Believe”