Here’s just just what Tolle states in the guide New world on love relationships, from the host to awareness.

Here’s just just what Tolle states in the guide New world on love relationships, from the host to awareness.

“In Zen, Satori is a minute of Presence, a brief stepping out from the vocals in your thoughts, the idea processes, while the representation in the torso as feeling. The mind that is thinking realize Presence. Within the stillness of Presence, you are able to sense the formless essence in your self as well as in one other as you. Once you understand the oneness of your self together with other holds true love, real care, real compassion. ”

“Falling in love” is with in many cases an intensification of egoic wanting and needing. This obsession with another individual has nothing at all to do with real love, containing no wanting whatsoever. In Spanish, “Te quiero” means “I would like you” along with “I adore you.”” “What is often called “falling in love” is with in many cases an intensification of egoic wanting and needing. You then become hooked on another individual, or rather to your image of this person. Continue reading “Here’s just just what Tolle states in the guide New world on love relationships, from the host to awareness.”