Do they understand why well enough to move on, introducing questions that are hinge

Do they understand why well enough to move on, introducing questions that are hinge

What is a question that is hinge?

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This is usually a brief item of formative assessment which allows the teacher to know whether it is appropriate to go on, to briefly recap, or totally reteach, a concept before moving on – what Dylan Wiliam calls the most crucial decision an instructor has to make on a basis that is regular Then the next activity may well fail for many students – because the concepts build one on another if you get this wrong and some students have not underst d. Then engagement will slip and time will be wasted – although this is far less likely I suspect if you get this wrong and reteach pointlessly!

Construction of a hinge question

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It is an art – Wiliam emphasises the amount of time and collaboration which adopts doing it properly – but also the worth of this process in offering information that is useful producing durable questions and tasks.1) You have to be able to get the information on it very quickly – Dylan Wiliam suggests that ideally students should respond within one minute and teachers be able to view and interpret responses within fifteen seconds (2011, p.101) from them there and then and be able to understand and act. Continue reading “Do they understand why well enough to move on, introducing questions that are hinge”