There is significant evidence that President Xi is taking the Chinese economy in the wrong direction

There is significant evidence that President Xi is taking the Chinese economy in the wrong direction

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. For example, he is waging a secret police war on the very billionaires who created the so-called “Chinese Economic Miracle.” As a result, many of these billionaires have retired in the past nine months. Imagine the loss to the American economy if Elon Musk retired. Xi has forced at least 20 of these super-capitalists to retire.

To stop the protests and riots, Xi will move to unite the people against a common enemy – the United States

Okay, so suppose a garden-variety real estate bust drives China into a garden-variety great recession. I say “garden-variety” because we have had three such crashes in my lifetime – the SL Crisis, the Dot-Com Meltdown, and Great Recession. Continue reading “There is significant evidence that President Xi is taking the Chinese economy in the wrong direction”