And, during the struggle to deliver the business model, we were very much beholden to our investors

And, during the struggle to deliver the business model, we were very much beholden to our investors

In 2007, when we raised our first round of financing for my own startup, WooMe – a video dating website – we were able to find investors with a speculative business model, which seemed like a good thing at the time

Unfortunately, we no longer live in the wonderland of the year 2000, when it was only about users and traffic – and revenues didn’t really matter. Ah, those were the days! Trust me when I say it’s no fun being in that position. ‘But what about Instagram and Snapchat?’ I hear you cry! While it is indeed possible to build an app with bucketloads of users and no revenue to speak of, it’s not a strategy that you should bet on. Continue reading “And, during the struggle to deliver the business model, we were very much beholden to our investors”