My Boyfriend Discovered I’m Trans, And Now He’s Not My Boyfriend

My Boyfriend Discovered I’m Trans, And Now He’s Not My Boyfriend

Tonight I wiped away tears, waiting for a phone call I knew would never come. Phil, a handsome man in his early 50s with salt and pepper hair and dazzling, deep blue eyes, had promised to call me, to talk about what he had discovered about me online.

And so today, on the cusp of a romantic weekend we planned to spend together, he dumped me in a text message.

He made two main points, and said he’d give me a chance to respond when he called me tonight. The first was his chagrin that I had kept him in the dark.

“I am not angry or upset, just disappointed you elected to not be open and honest from the start,” Phil texted, and my heart sank. “I had a gut feeling you were holding something back, and now it makes total sense to me. Intimacy for me requires trust and honesty above anything.”

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