Women in their late 30s think that they have no chances on a dating market

Women in their late 30s think that they have no chances on a dating market

Combating Ageism

While we rarely think about ageism, and we don’t hear something like “Oh, he’s/she’s so old”, “At your age” or “Aren’t you too old for that?” less frequently then we used to before, ageism is alive and well, and it’s not going anywhere in the next few decades. You can see it in birthday cards that display the prospective horrors of the old age. Sometimes we lie about our age on dating services, as we think that we’ll draw less interest displaying how old we are actually. Needless to say that according to that belief Dante’s “Abandon all hope ye who enter here” must pop-up in the heads of single women over 50 who register on dating sites.

Women, definitely are most common victims of ageism, mainly because they get objectified in so many cultures. While a man is appreciated for his accomplishments, a woman is mostly appreciated for her looks. Continue reading “Women in their late 30s think that they have no chances on a dating market”