Backlight works, but no display! Had the actual problem that is same you after my MBP had dropped from the bed

Backlight works, but no display! Had the actual problem that is same you after my MBP had dropped from the bed

Okay, here’s the rundown.

A1502, bought in March 2014, has unexpectedly produced a fairly problem that is nasty.

Went along to start one and *chime!* but no screen day. Apple logo design in the relative straight back lit up, backlight ended up being obviously working, but ZERO display workings.

Okay, and so I plug within an monitor that is external. Absolutely Absolutely Absolutely Nothing. “HDMI signal perhaps not detected.” Okay, therefore the Googles is done by me, browse the reddit, etc etc. Reset NVRAM/PRAM, reset SMC, no fortune. Decide to try booting Command+D Diag. mode, and production on outside monitor! But, white progress boot club hangs at 1/2way for 3.6 hours. Thus I Safe Boot (Power+Shift). Finally, I am able to make use of my outside monitor! I could enter into my mirror and mac displays, to ensure that I am able to offload my information. Continue reading “Backlight works, but no display! Had the actual problem that is same you after my MBP had dropped from the bed”